Within me
there is fire there is water there is air there is earth I am connected to all at all times Within me dwells the future the past all who were and who will be I am rising We are rising In our own ways In our own time For ourselves For those we serve For all in coexistence by Maria Dolores Muñoz, written on August 30, 2021 Don’t be surprised by the quiet of the inner revolution and the slow pace of your shifts. They are guiding us to be patient, helping us surrender and to not simply experience and process, but integrate the information as it arrives. Similar to this seasonal movement, the pace is giving us space. It is bringing us opportunity for ease when the world is challenging and heartbreaking. Taking care to harness our inner flame through these days with focus and clarity. It allows us to continue shining a light in the areas we need to nurture and strengthen, through loving compassion and kindness. If this feels familiar and resonates in your soul, consider joining Illuminate from Within Retreat on September 11th, as we gather in community learning of rituals and practices to help prepare us for the autumnal season.
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Because much of your life you lived with hidden truths your body carried in shame Not anymore, my sweet love You were never broken You were human You were loved You are still loved You live on within us Grief needs to be witnessed Death is a transition to be honored I’m sharing here to acknowledge my mom’s transition from this earth to mark the day. After so much inner work and ancestral mending, my soul feels whole again. I’ll continue to grieve, along with my entire familia, but we have been able to understand our mothers mental health struggle more as time passes. We need to create a world where we can hold each other, especially those who have been traumatized then carry it their entire lives without knowing healing is possible. They also deserve peace. We all do. Sending love from a tender place today. To all those in grief of any kind, I am not afraid to see you." In healing Maria Xocoyotl, Youngest daughter of Laura Blas Bernal First written: MARCH 22, 2021 When we think of grief support we may think of getting support specifically for when we lose a loved one. While that’s definitely true, we’d like to share with you how grief support can take on so many variations.
Each person's grief may feel different but often it’s a mix of feeling strong emotions such as depression, anger, guilt, anxiety and/or profound sadness. These strong emotions are not specific to the death of a loved one though. Meaning that we can experience the feeling of grief when we feel a loss or transition or “death” of anything. Collectively, the whole world experienced an immense amount of grief or loss during the pandemic. People are grieving the loss of loved ones while also feeling drastic changes to their life and routine. Other types of losses are unemployment, not making enough money, and being unable to visit family. These examples are types of losses that can happen all at the same time or at different phases and grief support is one way to navigate those drastic changes. Here are 3 things you may not associate with grief support #1 You may seek out grief support at the start of a new chapter in life. Meaning the end of another chapter. When you’re stepping into becoming your most authentic and truest self, it could mean shedding layers of an older version of yourself. During that transformation — like a caterpillar blooming into a butterfly — it could be an incredibly exciting time! And also mixed in with some feelings of grief of what you’re leaving behind. Some examples of new chapters in your life are stepping into parenthood, feeling the loss of your kids leaving the house (i.e. empty nest syndrome), ending an intimate relationship or friendship, starting a new relationship, ending a career, or starting on a new career path. Loss and transformation can sometimes go hand-in-hand. #2 Grief support and transformational coaching are related But not the same. When you work alongside a healing practitioner that wants to support your grief journey, transformational work is inevitable, in a way. There are big shifts happening in your physical life, mental life, and energetic/soulful life. Your grief support practitioner or guide may use various tools or modalities to support your transformation and one of those could be coaching. #3 Grief and grief support can be joyful It is ok to have feelings of happiness and joy while you’re experiencing a loss or death of a loved one. We often associate death as bad or unwelcomed but in many cultures, death is often a time of celebration as well. A perfect example is Dia De Muertos (Day of the Dead) an ancestral tradition celebrated in Mexico. This is a time to show love and respect for deceased family members that have transitioned to the other realm. Welcome whatever it is you're experiencing and if it’s joy and happiness — that is part of grief as well. Other examples of death celebrations are Ari Muyang in Malaysia, the Chuseok three-day festival by Koreans, and honoring seven generations back during Pitru Paksha in India. "Healing from grief“Grief needs to be witnessed Death is a transition to be honored” Finding the right support at whatever stage or transitional point you are in grief can make a difference in your well-being and healing journey. You never want to rush anything. When you feel called to, allow yourself and your grief to be witnessed. “To all those in grief of any kind, I am not afraid to see you.” Reach out to us at any moment for Light Owl Healing grief support. IDENTIFYING, COMMITTING TO, EXPRESSING, AND GETTING IN FLOW WITH YOUR BOUNDARIES Reset, Recenter, Recalibrate
Shift forward in flow Return to center in ease Transformation is happening Rebirth in the duality Trust in the seen and unseen Go where the heaviness calls for your love Go where the intensity welcomes your compassion Go unafraid Knowing you are guided and free ✨ Maria Muñoz, Founder of Light Owl Healing Written: SEPTEMBER 25, 2020 IDENTIFYING YOUR BOUNDARIES “Reset, Recenter, Recalibrate” There are so many wonderful ways of getting in touch with your energetic boundaries: you might use meditation, visualization, journaling, body scanning, or your own unique method. How do you like to identify your energetic boundaries? There is no wrong way, and the beautiful thing is that you’re taking the time to get to know them through these various methods. You might choose to do a practice right now, wherever you are:
Your boundaries are essentially what defines your energetic field, what you’re comfortable allowing into it, and how you choose to allow it to intermingle with other energies. COMMITTING TO YOUR BOUNDARIES “Shift forward in flow” Once you’re more in touch with how that feels like, looks like, and sounds like for you — you can use that information to better understand what they may be telling you that you need. Ask: What parts of my boundaries need strengthening? What parts need softening? With this information, in what ways do you wish to commit to your boundaries? If you feel called, write this down in the form of affirmations, mantras, or promises to symbolize the commitment you are making. In this way, you are choosing to move forward on a path of your true needs and desires, in flow with your true frequency. EXPRESSING YOUR BOUNDARIES “Trust in the seen and unseen” The time you spent in flow expands your energy, connects you within and you being to co-create with the unseen. You might find this flows into a desire to express certain boundaries or messages with other people in your life. If this has come up, you might try reflecting on how you can communicate these boundaries to those you feel called to express them to. Let your intuition guide you. Trust that the messages you’re receiving from your boundaries are your truth. In kind, you might also reflect on how others in your life may be expressing their boundaries and how you can honor them. This can be a beautiful path to being in a deeply intimate, respectful relationship or sacred space. BEING IN FLOW WITH YOUR BOUNDARIES “Go unafraid Knowing you are guided and free” The thing about boundaries is that they are a living, breathing, ever changing force — just like you. It’s not as if you can spend one day getting to know them and assume they are set in stone. Just as you are constantly evolving, so is this beautiful forcefield that you embody — because your energetic field is simply an extension of your physical body, one that radiates out of you — also called your subtle body or bodies, energetic body, aura, or auric field. Go unafraid in this exploration, know that you are guided and free. Oftentimes if we feel like we are too affected by people or perhaps the opposite, that we may feel that it’s hard to connect with others — this may be an opportunity to do some experiential learning to build your intuition both in theory and in practice. Light Owl Healing’s Intuitive Development Monthly Gathering, led by Maria Muñoz, allows for inner guidance along with energetic support for people to explore intuition and boundary setting without fear of judgement. When it comes down to it, clearly expressed boundaries in relationship with others create more safety and peace for everyone involved. BOUNDARY SETTING IS A PRACTICE Boundaries are alive and being in flow with them means cultivating a practice of staying in communication with your inner knowing and intuition — and in this way, building a relationship of healthy communication, trust, and respect starts with yourself and then flows to those around you. This is why boundary work is such a wonderful, fulfilling practice! Here at Light Owl Healing, we love supporting our community in all of this. If you’re interested in working with us on any of this, learn about our group offerings or check out our in-person Intuitive Development Monthly Gathering. Sacred fire within The Symbolism of Fire
"Sacred fire within Fuel my desires Help me grow" Fire is one of the five elements of nature and throughout various cultures, it is a prominent symbol of passion, joy, determination, and creativity. In most indigenous cultures, fire is sacred and an important practice for well-being. The next time you’re near a bonfire or even a small candle flame— notice the qualities of Fire. How does it move? What colors do you see? What is powerful about it? What about it is transformative? There is so much we can learn from the medicine of Mother Earth. Observe how the element of Sacred Fire can fuel your desire to expand, grow, and transform. Masculine and Feminine Energy "Grandfather Sun Burn off the veils of illusion Help me see Grandmother Moon Illuminate my wounds Help me heal" We are energetic beings that carry both masculine and feminine energies, regardless of the biological sex we were born with. Nature presents these divine energies as well and an example is the Sun (Masculine Energy) and the Moon (Feminine Energy). The Sky Story from the Anishinabe of Central North America beautifully detailing one of the teachings of Grandfather Sun and Grandmother Moon, “The first of all the mothers, Nokomis or Grandmother Moon, dwells in the heavens near her daughter, Mother Earth. From there, Nokomis keeps watch over her children, gently leading them through the night. Mother Earth nourishes and cares for all her children in the plant, animal, and human worlds. Just as life comes from Mother Earth, it returns to her, completing the circle of life. Each day, Grandfather Sun, the "one who brings morning", gives light and warmth to his children. Together, Mother Earth and Grandfather Sun provide the gift of life to all. The heartbeat of Mother Earth is echoed in the drumbeat of the Anishinabe. Even Wolf, who sings to the Moon, bids us not to forget our beginnings with Nokomis, our Grandmother.” How can these two qualities or energies support your journey? Using your awareness, take note when something feels like masculine energy and when something feels like feminine energy. Transform from Within "You are the limitless expansive flame Igniting Releasing Transforming From within" Fire changes and transforms wood from the inside out. Similarly, transformation from within often takes external support to “combust” your healing. Transformative healing practices that we love at Light Owl Healing are energy work, sound healing, meditation, hypnosis, reiki, and intuitive sessions — just to know a few. Check out our bi-weekly Sound Bath & Energy Meditation. We’d love to support your transformation from within! I am writing for the ones who need to reclaim and be known
I am writing for the ones doing the work to unravel and relearn I am writing for those in exchange and relationship with their ancestors and creator We need to be here Showing up beyond old terms Written to us, not for us We can be seen Bringing awareness to who we have always been, hidden in plain sight We can be heard In alignment to those before us Remembering to speak the medicine Back to life We can be felt Our hearts beating truth and compassion Understanding the power of our origins Believing the ancients’ ways never left us Alchemizing within us Strength in the layers of healing We are the ones We have been here before Our work is good medicine for all Allowing souls to be nurtured Paths to be cleared I am writing for my mami and daddy I am writing for my abuelitos I am writing for my entire familia I am writing for my original pueblo I am writing because I have a story Within me Thousands of years in the making - Maria Muñoz, Founder of Light Owl Healing Written: DECEMBER 5, 2020 We Can Be Seen “Bringing awareness to who we have always been, hidden in plain sight” Have you ever found yourself hiding behind old terms? Perhaps following systems that no longer serve you, or noticing how these old terms suppress the collective at large? Exploring the journey of self-healing is often done alone, but there is meaning and purpose in doing it in community. Gathering in a sacred community is nothing new. It is an ancient tradition that provides communal healing and transformation magic. While our ancestors have known for centuries the benefits of healing in community, scientists are now able to link evidence-based data. For example, research studies at Harvard Health found that gathering in community helps relieve harmful levels of stress, linking it to heart health, gut health, and improvements in the immune system. For these reasons and so many more, it’s so worthwhile to spend some time looking for a community, whether it’s physical or virtual, where you can fully express yourself and be seen as your most authentic self. We Can Be Heard “In alignment to those before us Remembering to speak the medicine Back to life” It is well-known that indigenous cultures use oral storytelling as a way to share knowledge, wisdom, and healing messages to teach or to reinforce cultural values. The vibration and sound of your voice is powerful and using your community to tell your story is an important step you can take in reclaiming yourself, not only to heal yourself but from the point of view of healing your ancestors as well. Intuiting the medicine you need to speak may take practice. A great way to explore this is with the support of a therapist, a spiritual mentor, or a support group. Process your words out loud, without a filter or the need to hear a response. In doing this, you’ll find that you’re your own teacher. We Can Be Felt “Our hearts beating truth and compassion Understanding the power of our origins Believing the ancients’ ways never left us Alchemizing within us” In some Native American cultures, there is an understanding that our actions affect the seven generations in both directions. There is so much power in understanding your lineage and ancestry — from healing old patterns and addictions to giving voice to your ancestors who were silenced in their time. You are the cycle breaker. Healing in Community We are so passionate about healing in community at Light Owl Healing. We understand that your individual journey is unique, and we honor wherever you are on your path. We respect ancestral work from all parts of the world. If you’re looking to have a deeper understanding of ancestral work, consider reaching out for a private session specifically with Maria, founder of Light Owl Healing, proudly bringing her own Chicanx-Mexica roots, traditions, and history to each private session. |
Maria Muñoz