Because much of your life you lived with hidden truths your body carried in shame Not anymore, my sweet love You were never broken You were human You were loved You are still loved You live on within us Grief needs to be witnessed Death is a transition to be honored I’m sharing here to acknowledge my mom’s transition from this earth to mark the day. After so much inner work and ancestral mending, my soul feels whole again. I’ll continue to grieve, along with my entire familia, but we have been able to understand our mothers mental health struggle more as time passes. We need to create a world where we can hold each other, especially those who have been traumatized then carry it their entire lives without knowing healing is possible. They also deserve peace. We all do. Sending love from a tender place today. To all those in grief of any kind, I am not afraid to see you." In healing Maria Xocoyotl, Youngest daughter of Laura Blas Bernal First written: MARCH 22, 2021 When we think of grief support we may think of getting support specifically for when we lose a loved one. While that’s definitely true, we’d like to share with you how grief support can take on so many variations.
Each person's grief may feel different but often it’s a mix of feeling strong emotions such as depression, anger, guilt, anxiety and/or profound sadness. These strong emotions are not specific to the death of a loved one though. Meaning that we can experience the feeling of grief when we feel a loss or transition or “death” of anything. Collectively, the whole world experienced an immense amount of grief or loss during the pandemic. People are grieving the loss of loved ones while also feeling drastic changes to their life and routine. Other types of losses are unemployment, not making enough money, and being unable to visit family. These examples are types of losses that can happen all at the same time or at different phases and grief support is one way to navigate those drastic changes. Here are 3 things you may not associate with grief support #1 You may seek out grief support at the start of a new chapter in life. Meaning the end of another chapter. When you’re stepping into becoming your most authentic and truest self, it could mean shedding layers of an older version of yourself. During that transformation — like a caterpillar blooming into a butterfly — it could be an incredibly exciting time! And also mixed in with some feelings of grief of what you’re leaving behind. Some examples of new chapters in your life are stepping into parenthood, feeling the loss of your kids leaving the house (i.e. empty nest syndrome), ending an intimate relationship or friendship, starting a new relationship, ending a career, or starting on a new career path. Loss and transformation can sometimes go hand-in-hand. #2 Grief support and transformational coaching are related But not the same. When you work alongside a healing practitioner that wants to support your grief journey, transformational work is inevitable, in a way. There are big shifts happening in your physical life, mental life, and energetic/soulful life. Your grief support practitioner or guide may use various tools or modalities to support your transformation and one of those could be coaching. #3 Grief and grief support can be joyful It is ok to have feelings of happiness and joy while you’re experiencing a loss or death of a loved one. We often associate death as bad or unwelcomed but in many cultures, death is often a time of celebration as well. A perfect example is Dia De Muertos (Day of the Dead) an ancestral tradition celebrated in Mexico. This is a time to show love and respect for deceased family members that have transitioned to the other realm. Welcome whatever it is you're experiencing and if it’s joy and happiness — that is part of grief as well. Other examples of death celebrations are Ari Muyang in Malaysia, the Chuseok three-day festival by Koreans, and honoring seven generations back during Pitru Paksha in India. "Healing from grief“Grief needs to be witnessed Death is a transition to be honored” Finding the right support at whatever stage or transitional point you are in grief can make a difference in your well-being and healing journey. You never want to rush anything. When you feel called to, allow yourself and your grief to be witnessed. “To all those in grief of any kind, I am not afraid to see you.” Reach out to us at any moment for Light Owl Healing grief support.
Maria Muñoz